so straight after class we went to Melaka, where we were pretty much stuck for hours. =_= didnt really foresee that. by the time i unpack and shower and lay out all the outfits and switch on my laptop to download photos from Bliss, it was already 1am (i guess, or somewhere around that =_= ) was so thankful we had dinner before we left for Melaka, or we would’ve been stuck in the jam hungry. =[
[for a moment, felt like a celebrity hopping from one meet&greet to another in a promo tour. ops, sorry =p ]
anyway, the next day, the bro and his two assistants (ahem) arrived, just after im done with make up and hair.
base makeup : Majorlica Majorca
blush: Maybeline
eyes: Maybeline, silky girl
lips: silky girl
hair: Liese curl
this session is more casual, with short dresses or long dresses with casual materials.
we went with the concept but most of the locations or shots are decided random, actually.
there were garden, beach, and the A Famosa (using building).
as usual, i prepared the props. this time, i even had mini blackboard and the wooden blocks of loves! (very cliche right! =_=)
but in the end i used them mostly in the beach session. =p
didnt regret getting them tho, coz i can still use these as decor in the room.
anyway, love the beach most! like this:
credit to the trio of having their research done and using this ‘frame’ for the photo.
although the hair was severely ruined by the wind/breeze =_= coz i didnt even use any hair spray to fix it. it’s casual , anyway.
this dress is not even that type of glamorous , silky or puffy gowns, it’s just a casual long dress with lace design.
like this: (close up)
super love the lace! (also, see-through lacey back!)
we then had late lunch in a cafe before the next location. i even changed to a shorter dress in the cafe’s toilet. =,=
rushed to A Famosa and quickly took the shots as it was crowded over there. (we waited for people to move before we took photos)
actually, the whole tourism area was very much packed and full of tourists as it was school holiday plus weekend.
and as we go around, we did a tad bit of sight seeing, just a bit.
it was considered very quick as we took time to have a late lunch.
we then went back to shower (and remove ALL the makeup, phew!)
joined the jonker street crowd later and i love it! the crowd, art pieces, street food…yesh!
practically walked through the tourism area =_= (or something like that)
on the way walking back, we stopped for the River Festival. (we didnt even know there was one until the bro told me)
so it’s half photoshoot session , half weekend getaway XD so convenient right?????
the next day, continued with more touristy stuff =p
and the other day , we received some album layout from Bliss. call it occupational habits or whatevs, i didnt really like the words they tried to put into the album. i sent them lyrics to let them use but they didnt. i guess it is because the two person handling my order didnt really communicate well between themselves?
anyway, they are willing to edit it for us so it’s fine. i mean, as long as they are willing to edit according to our wishes.
i guess in the end, it is just being very very clear on the concepts and ‘wants’ / ‘wishes’ and going with it.
so now, i shall wait for the finalised photos!
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