Tuesday 8 September 2009

The Craze

Lately, the FB is flooded with “Fan Check” and “All My Friends!”…..

the phenomena is…..huge =.= almost half of the updates is on the two apps.

that’s why i call it flooded…..fancheck allmyfriends

Fan Check actually counts which of your friends has been active in your page, not by viewing or ‘stalking’ but posting on walls and comments etc.

While All My Friends actually show all your friends and labels them =.=

i have friends with various labels, me myself got “thin” and “busy” =.=’’’’’ well, true to an extend.

i say its true to an extend because iwassosumliongwhenitgotbaduglyandunkindwhichissosotrue LMAO!!!!! OMG!!



my friends says its actually a malware or some kind of things as it requires to access your info and all =_=

well, i’ve stopped playing it. you?

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