Sunday 4 September 2011

Clear Skin with Aspirin?

heard about the aspirin mask some time ago..

just like the egg white mask, it’s not something new..

look at Michelle Phan’s video:


clear skin?! i want!

tho it might caused the skin to be slightly dry and a little more sensitive (totally more solvable than acne,no?), it says to greatly reduce redness, black and white heads, reduce irritation&inflamation..also control oils and tighten pores!

eeeeek! i wanna try it too!



i used Disprin, Soluble Aspirin


like this:


i got it for RM1.80 for 8 tablets pack from Watsons.


errrrr..well..i seriously dont wanna scare you all off with my ugly look with the mask..

but i can be sure that it really gave me the smooth exfoliated feeling, and pores seem to be tighter’s squeaky clean!

it is said that it should help to reduce the redness and inflammation in acne skin too!


but be sure to put on lotions,essences,and moisturisers as it could be slightly drying, thus one shall not do it more than twice a week.



other Michelle Phan’s DIY remedies videos:





oh tempted to try ‘em all now!

dont you??


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