Sunday, 10 July 2011

Real SPA!!

some time ago i met this:


whole set, selling for RM12+ (or something, cant really remember)

i was like, HUH?! SERIOUS?!

coz usually a bottle of whitening lotion of that size would have cost more than RM12+, whats more with a full size shower scrub on pack. (i need whitening on my arms and calves alright, remember the two tones on my arms?)

i was sceptical at first..really. thought it could be expiring or what damaged goods.

so i checked and read the description. #goodconsumerpractice =__=”






and OH! it was this Ginvera : The Real SPA Shower Series. and it promises NO ODOUR EVEN AFTER PERSPIRATION!!

you know, when we’d been so active (like sports, household chores,WORK!) and sweat is all over, and before we even have the chance to shower, people came..=_= how to escape/distance ourselves without being impolite??

so i thought this would be good.



but wait..Ginvera? i only remember its Marvel Gel,and some sort of facial cleanser..and nothing else. and not the brand that would come to my mind when i choose something for my body. @_@” #fail


but, the #kiamsiap me decided to give it a try. that’s Green Tea shower scrub with Whitening body lotion!  #broke =_____=


so i’ve tested it out for some time.


still so clean and fresh!! =D


and the Ginvera SPA Body Milk (Nourishing & Whitening) is good too! absorbed into the skin so fast and without the oily sticky feeling!! =0 and the smell is fragrant and fresh! not ‘overdosed’ like some others that i tried.


other variants in this series:



i might get the Apricot when mine has finished..


when are you getting yours? =D

1 comment:

Hazel Cheah said...

yeah~ im using ginvera green tea scrub too~~ loving it~~ now is my third bottle loo..