~me with the then-very-long hair~
oh yah, so went to blood test @ PB on thursday, since there's a big gap til Research class...
the whole thing was so...erm...*siao*...
at first it was sarah wanna donate blood (and i can't, obviously underweight, although i did register for all-organ donation last time), and ju wanted to test blood, nini and rene rene went there even before lunch heard have to 'fast' for hours...=='''
i didn't want to test my blood either as i have kinda had enough in hospital visits...and i was having my period that time,which means 'x' for urine test too...and i've just ate when i reach there...
the whole lot of reason =='''
but then, ju 'persuaded' me and i took number after sarah...
so wait...
and wait...
and wait...
sarah finished donating her blood (she says her blood flow really fast haha...)
and its our turn...
i went to kepoh ju since we're..no, I'M so free...and i asked her to act what anita said to her: (anita's 'low' voice) ju, is your phone in your bottle? (i was like....@.@ what?in the bottle? then they continue...)
it's for the bottle to answer is it? (then LOL...aduh....==''')
coz anita called, and she knew ju puts her phone with the bottle case...=='''
so here's 'for the bottle to answer' picture:
another joke when i was looking at some brochures while waiting to be called: i saw one of the symptoms of kidney disease or failure-----stunted growth, so i let ju see that paragraph, and point at myself---stunted growth =='''
skipped urine, go to BMI, then to the 'poking' counter to get the blood tested...
ju said it was 'shocking' sensation...i was abit scared...
in the end...x.x eler....like poking with your pen, the difference is that there'll be blood...
but the pain kinda linger around til later...
then it was time for 'research'...where all almost fell asleep...
it was to Wendy's after that, and went back PJ home as it is quite late already and i was forbate from travelling long and late...
i love my new room....hahaha...got personal toilet and big mirror...i 'enjoyed' my time pampering myself with all the lotions til i'm late for my chapt 1...ouch..hehe....
really lar...previously i can do those til 1 hour or more wei...pamper tis pamper that, that's why you see my condition not like before, now so bad x.x
friday was half day, but bound to rcm matter last minute (don't ask me, i don't know why it happen...*sigh*...)
and as usual, kena from the office staff...hg...
anyway, went back to my comfy land later after settling sarah's card.
and TODAY, went in happily when sarah told me anita lost her car...i was like 'what???'...
*sigh* the world today...what else?what's more can i say? let us pray for you, and curse the idiots...
went to Tappers after class, when something silly happen...
ME the empress...kakakak....
when we all wanna pay the bill, ju was on the phone, while half-rummaging her bag.....
" what? luckily i have spare money, if not how ?"
==''' laugh some more....
her purse or wallet is with her sis, who went back melaka
luckily she ate with the gang and have the phone, if not....ops....
AND, she blurt out that her spare money was 'more than the rm60 in my wallet'...
nyek nyek nyek...megan and sarah, you both know what to do huh?...hahahha...
then went to 'part-time tourism job' for irene in KLCentral...haha...we both almost fell asleep in the bus coz of the jam...
and on the way home just left Central, AGAIN received call from someone on the train ticketing thing...
OK...so those of you who want to know, it's like this:(www.ktmb.com.my , 03-22671200)
go to KLCentral, go to the second floor, not the first floor (the commuter ticketing floor) nor the ground floor( the KTM platforms floor)...head to KTM ANTARABANDAR area, go to counter No1.
at the counter, tell the staff the date you would like to travel (as in the ticket you want) and take the number.(coz different types of travelling goes to dofferent counter)
wait til your turn, and purchase the ticket, so easy.
the platform is abit confusing as it is always locked until the train arrival and only open for passengers embark or disembark.
you have to reach there 30 min earlier for the train, and wait at the other and further side of the purchasing counter---at the NileBooks and money changer, Dunkin Donuts.
that's where. just wait, until staff coming up to annouce the arrival that train to xxx whatever session.
and erm....
hehehehe....yup...i cut my hair....how is it?
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