Saturday, 20 November 2010

THE confession..

NO i’m not a shopaholic! (erm,maybe not yet but i will try not to be one! *fingers crossed*)

so the confession IS …..







T__T uhuk uhuk..

somebody please save me..

gargh..there were times when i wanted to blog or i DO have something to blog but..i TWEETED and the blog feeling is gone T__T

like those below which im gonna talk about.



anyway, celebrated/started the holiday (by holiday i mean the SCHOOL holiday,and then the end of speculation, please)

ok,celebrated the holiday with…..*drum roll*

one of my loves: HARRY POTTER 7 (the Deathly Hallows)!! *beams for a few seconds* got annoying after i realised the movie is hit me hard,very hard,that this is only PART 1…..=__=

it’s freaking annoying why cant it be screened in one go??(as tweeted here.)

and then it just reminded me of my lost HP7 BOOK..=__=*sigh2* planned to read it before the movie until i found out i’ve lost it..blame it ALL on the salary who still refuses to move into my bank a/c , i cant buy a new copy in time =n=


ANYWAY, just like any other holiday, i’ve got a leisure activities to-do list with me.

which includes:



- Jipaban! (no idea what it is?check it out here!*tweet*)

-Wordpress (erm,still bad at the navigation.nuff said.)

-Mister Maker! (cool kids craft XD !! dont you think??)

*every holiday i tend to be such a homemaker,creating stuff-my artsy self =p



- Christmas series( i.e. wallpaper,blog header etc )

*excited!!it’s coming it’s coming!!i might just start to play Christmas songs in the night or something!! LOL!!=D*glee*



- Japanese language! (日本語ですよ!)

*STILL stuck at Level 1..*miserable* DONT ASK!! T__T


Catch up

-(okay this is my fav part..)

CSI (TWO OF THEM!), NCIS (TWO OF THEM TOO!),Nikita, and Life as We Know it..

(yea havent got a chance to catch that!miserable o’not!T_T)




- *blank*

er..okay,about this one..i actually have a very long one in the other list..*guilty*DONT ASK ALSO!!


but anyway, in conclusion, dear salary please move into my a/c ASAP!! T_T

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