Wednesday 21 October 2009

Angel-in-Training loves:

Di Zi Gui  弟子规- the Chinese classic moral studies in terms of Chinese culture.

was taught this in the three days two nights course..pretty inspiring i would say. its as if we have known the moralities for so long but somehow with this re-lecturing, mind is clearer on what we should do. all on philosophies. lotzz of videos and texts =_= (nuff said with the politeness-shock , superb-accommodation-amazement  as well as the vegetarian meals we had)



look at the ‘goodies’ we had fromt he ‘goodies bag’..actually its all the related texts and CDs..



Tesco- yes, stocked up food yesterday at tesco, got cheap things =D (tho actually its only…some  =_=) i was like an auntie picking vegies @@ and then prep up the sotong after reach home..then went to tze hui’s belated bday steamboat/luk luk.


100 Yen and Furoshiki- ok actually its two different but related things.


been to 100Yen and bought two bags of things =.= ouch…..oi,100Yen also can waste me so much money ?

it’s almost all less than 10bucks and some less than 5..summore its jap products (tho alot is [made in china] =_=  what else do you expect?)

bought myself fake lashes, umbrella,rice shaper thingy for bento(uber cute!) , cute mini mini containers for mini mini things, sheets mop(wet and dry packets), also, two clipper-hanger for use in car.



then out of dont-know-what-kind-of thought, bought JW toiletries basket, a new cup with lid,slipper, some kind of weird hanger (put it at the door knob to hang towels and all since she asked bout it, also for our own good of course coz the old hanging rod was broken long ago) for her stay[noun] over  here.




about furoshiki-the japanese cloth-gift-wrapping, i’ve been craving to learn about it so finally i googled it =D it’s love!


p/s: dislike: arrogance, social-dumbbell-attitude, impoliteness =(


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