Tuesday, 4 November 2008

MY verdict: laurier is NOT as good as Whisper...(and i dont care the long history of whatsoever of it)

fuh...i had to endure the wetness and leaks until i went into the nearest shop to get a Whisper...

(okay,i know you guys won't understand how important that is...erm...it's like...you are wearing a heavy wet panty...got it? and when you have to be careful if it leaks and stain your pants...SO, embarassing and uncomfortable...)

after i change, the feel is TOTALLY DIFFERENT...dry,comfortable,secure......*ahhhhhh*

although it cost a bit more from other brands, it totally worth it!!!(counting the absorbency which corelates to the number of pads you have to change,huh?)
new packaging. picture courtesy of nicolekiss.blogspot.com ('coz mine is the old version, cant get the new one yet)
With Whisper’s Duo-Protect.

Feel as clean as you would after a lovely bath.

Whisper Ultra gives you cleaner and drier protection even when you suddenly stand up and experience a gush. That is because Whisper has a revolutionary duo-protect system that absorbs in the middle and protects you at the sides.
-from P&G(Procter and Gamble, India)

and when i was searching for the picture of this product(the latest packaging), i saw this 'innocent' question posted by some guy(whether for fun or he really doesnt know): why do girls wear pads like whisper...? and what are periods and pads like whisper?

i was like: =_+'''


oh but hey, at least they know whisper as pads right? and not other brands right? kakakkaa....

i still remember my first pad was laurier (from mum la...) 'coz whisper is 'expensive'...=_='''

and i still remember i got a sample from school talk then, tried on it(by putting water on the testing pad) and its amazing ^0^

okay,enough of pads...hehehhee...=D

today was silly:
woke up late,rushed him to school,shopped for whisper and +++,celebrated chee keong's birthday(hey happy birthday!!) and sneaked in his Pengajian Malaysia class...hwahahaha...which didn't even teach any but giving out papers and tips...

owww....wait...notes and assignments are calling me...ops...


king said...

hahah! lol!
mom's talking abt whisper...
great -.-"

ViViEnNe said...

not great meh?hg! blek..

amy2kyo said...

ehhh... mahal laaa... how much you bought this one?

ViViEnNe said...

i bought the old version of 8 for 7.20....but its really good...