Saturday 2 August 2008

i just don't understand...

are they dumb or what?

when you are just trying to be nice and kind and all, they are still clueless of the sacrifices made and turned their back on you...

that's not all, because they might also hurt you in turn...

and the most unfair thing is they get what they want and not you...

it's as if they flash a BIG smile says: "see?...ops!!..oh..poor don't have..huh?"

now I'M clueless of how this world works...sounds so not me, huh?

well well...i shouldn't lose my 'angel' practice...i shouldn't...

one day...i'm telling you...people will get what they deserve.


king said...

yup! ppl will get what they deserve!

ViViEnNe said...

thanks ah son....=")