Thursday 15 November 2007

.myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

i was thrown into a dilemma..


in seconds...


by my uni's

SRC vice ...

and my heart began to beat irrythmically...

my chest is getting painful...

and my eyes are waterry...


ok, here goes..

*tzz* sms

"...interested in joining...jan intake's orientation comittee..."

i was like..'what!!!???'

the symtomps above appeared...

and i replied:

certainly intersted!(and asking about the timeline)

and so on.....

well,i am really really keen in joining...even being a small part of it...just for the spirit of it..the orientation..where you get to be a part of the brothers and sisters welcoming and helping the freshies...and you never know what you can do for me..

i guess i blogged about the last orientation i joined,as a petty helper in the registration.

still,i get to feel so much of it!!looking at them like looking at myself going in for the first day...


and this time,i guess it's a bigger job..(see,i told you i wouldnt be *abandoned* *roll eyes*)

but the dilemma comes.........

first,it's sooooo last minute that i'm 200% sure that my parents wouldnt let me go...coz being a comittee,especially a key one,not assistant, will have to go to the meetings weekly or more..which means i will have to travel...which they wouldnt let me to..

(which goes to that they're having shortage of manpower..=_="")

second, and that the travel cost $$$$$....not to forget staying there again...

third, that i have 'agenda' here...though i will be able to go there during dec...

and im near in tears NOW!!!...hwaaaa!!!T_T

p/s:still,i'm glad YOU asked.=") making me feeling ...significant! haha...('',)

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